An ongoing theme called the STATION PROJECT is what comprises a digital stream of imagery compiled over the past decade, that continues to be my artistic focus. Mainly taken late night & during sunrise drives, to and from employment or school commutes or my studio, these images are hypnotically fueled into solar-like formations: convenience stop nova's shifting my perception during contemplated routes.  

What is this uncontrollable need to capture these pictures while cruising? Must I only use the camera on this smartphone?  Why do morning or evening gas stations draw me into its illusion?  Quickness, stillness: conditions solicit parameters and become difficult to ignore, unless of course, I choose to abandon them or miss out on scarcely fleeting instances.

Whether or not the medium becomes a form a photography, performance/video or works on paper, these images begin as a contemplative action and continue to evolve within the technical process as I progress. 

The split second ability to capture the mundane of nightlife, while driving, not only creates digitized distortions that speak to the mysteries of expediency & immediacy, but become mystical and unveiling salvaged moments that transform a single occurrence of something rarely glimpsed into a promising dilemma.

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